Trainer Education
For Movement and Bodywork Professionals
You naturally want to be your best in your profession. To do that you need to maintain your license/certification. At Evolved-Fitness, we help you stay up to date, earn continuing education credits, and elevate your services, improving client satisfaction and retention.
Trainer Education for Movement and Bodywork Professionals
At Evolved Fitness, we offer courses designed to empower you to continue to deliver your best to all clients. You will earn credits and hours towards your continued education while working with highly experienced course instructors, who are dedicated to engaging with you in a dynamic and stimulating environment.
- Upper extremity rehabilitation
- Lower extremity rehabilitation
- Advanced flexibility and Stretch
- Maximizing Business Potential
$25/hour per person
Minimum 10 students per class.
Maximum 20.
Continuing Education Courses
Upper Extremity Rehabilitation
As Trainers/Therapists encounter clients with shoulder injuries and are continuously challenged with how to maximize client performance without injuring their clients further. This course details the principles of roll and glide and how to facilitate its application in our clients with exercises and stretches. The trainer will learn how to achieve these goals equipment free and with various pieces of equipment such as common household items, Indian clubs, and weights.During the stretch section, Trainers/Therapists will learn how to maintain proper alignment in the clients shoulder joint/shoulder girdle to maximize ROM at the joint level.
The Trainer will learn to:
- Effectively explain proper shoulder movement
- Design programs to maximize efficient shoulder movement and rehabilitate from shoulder injury
- Stretch clients’ shoulders while maintaining proper Gleno-Humeral alignment.
- 4 Hours, 4 CECs/CEUs
Lower Extremity RehabILITATION
Clients with lower extremity injuries are a continuous challenge to the Trainer/Therapist. How can one maximize client performance without re-injuring or further injuring their clients? How can the client learn the difference between healing/strengthening pain and injury pain? How can Trainers/Therapists accommodate the client’s desire for intensity and development when the usual regimen is too much for an injured person?
This course teaches the Trainer/Therapist to maximize lower extremity performance, even in the context of serious injury. It will clarify how the joints of the lower extremity relate to each other, and how the muscles from pelvic floor to intrinsic foot muscles can be trained to work together for all levels of performance. It gives the Trainer/Therapist methods and protocols to help the client make these connections both in exercising and stretching, either on the table or as a dynamic part of the workout. These goals can be achieved with or without common gym equipment and both approaches will be taught. Trainers/Therapists will learn how to stretch their clients while maintaining proper alignment in the client’s hips, knees and ankles to maximize healthy ROM and relationship of the joints.
The Trainer/Therapist will learn:
- How to explain proper hip/knee/ankle movement to the client in simple words
- Programs to improve lower extremity movement and rehabilitate injury
- Ways to stretch the client’s lower extremity while maintaining proper alignment.
- 6 Hours, 6 CECs/CEUs
Do you feel that stretching your client is a tiring process? Perhaps you feel that you need a stretch afterward. Do you ever worry about hurting your client while stretching them due to either overpowering or not being able to align their joints properly? How do you handle cramping/extraneous muscle contraction while stretching? What is the best general order of operations for stretching a client? What are the key techniques to teaching a client effective self-stretching techniques?
This course, taught by James Nicholson ACE CPT LMT, will help you learn the benefits and techniques of the dynamic warm up, stretching techniques for the entire body and how to self-stretch and teach clients to do so. It will take your stretch skills to the next level maximizing client performance, injury prevention and rehabilitation and, most importantly, client retention. Trainers/Therapists will learn to:
- Explain the benefits of stretching for improving posture, maximizing performance and injury prevention.
- Correct their own form to maximize client relaxation and prevent the Trainer/Therapist from burning out or getting exhausted.
- Maintain and teach proper alignment to the client while stretching them to minimize injury and maximize flexibility.
- Segue directly from passive stretching to teaching stretches the client can perform on their own.
- 8 Hours, 8 CECs/ CEUs
MAXIMUM Business Potential
Have you been taking great care of clients for years, and still your practice isn't doing that great? Are you new to the field, ready to give superior service and wanting to make a superior living with it? Do you know that somehow you are running off the tracks as a professional, unclear in structuring time, rules and fees? Does your confidence and clarity go out the window when you have to tell client or a boss what you expect from them? Do you want people to have a more vivid and specific idea of who you are, what you offer, and how it will help them?
You know you need to deliver your very best work to your clients. But do you know that you need to define and run clear, healthy business practices as well if you are really going to succeed as a professional? It's clear that the best practitioners aren't always the most successful ones. Your clients and potential clients need crystal clarity about who you are, what they can expect to get from you, and what you expect from them -- their commitment, their professional relationship to you, and their need to appropriately compensate you.
In this class you will learn proven strategies to:
- Set, and live up to, a standard of excellence and success that will model health and self-respect to your clients.
- Communicate clearly with clients about how you make them strong and healthy
- Strengthen your presence in your field and occupy your professional niche
- Tell clients/management/employees what you expect regarding compensation and time with clarity and calm
- Stand your ground without stressing out
- Use technology to tell your story, clarify expectations, and simplify communication
- Give your clients the responsibility and power to get healthy and stay healthy
- 8 Hours, 8 CECs
*This class only gives Continuing Education Credit for Trainers – though Therapists would benefit greatly from this information.